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Open Yale Courses: Financial Theory » The Calculating Investor

Earlier this month, Yale University announced announced that an additional ten courses would be available through the “Open Yale Courses” website.

Readers of this site may find the “Financial Theory” course taught by hedge fund manager John Geanakoplos to be especially interesting.  So far, I have only watched the first two lectures, but I’m planning to work through the rest of the course over the next several weeks.

Here is the first lecture:

One Response to “Open Yale Courses: Financial Theory”

  1. Very interesting. If I can get up my nerve I might try his auction experiment next semester in my macro economics class.
    It seems that John Geanakoplos supervised Joseph Jett who was instrumental in the downfall of Kidder Peabody.
    For those interested I recommend “Inventing Money” by Nichola Dunbar. It tells the story of many of the people mentioned in the lectures, covers the development of the Black-Scholes options model and Long Term Capital Management.
    Another excellent book covering the whole hedge fund genre is “Traders Guns & Money” by Satyajit Das.
    I look forward to future lectures.

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